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The decisive importance of the alliance between Russia, Türkiye, Iran and China at the edge of entering the Eurasian Era

The decisive importance of the alliance between Russia, Türkiye, Iran and China at the edge of entering the Eurasian Era

Speech of Dr. Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party (Türkiye)
April 29th, 2023

Honorable President,

Dear friends who have joined our conference from the seven continents,

I am greeting you with the spirit of the great desires of humanity.

We are gathered here as the founders of the Multipolar World.

US imperialism’s plans to become the world’s overlord have collapsed.

The Dollar Reign, which is the most unbridled extortion system in history, is collapsing.

States that challenge the armed forces of the US are making history.

Humanity today faces problems that cannot be solved by private property, private self-interest, and selfishness. Imperialism destroys not only nature but also man himself. Every developing society can find a space for life and progress by only pushing and overcoming the limits of capitalism.

We have come to the end of the Atlantic Era. A new civilization emerges from Asia.

The struggle for the New Civilization is being waged through the armed force of states, the production of people, and politics.

Russia, Syria, and Türkiye are on the frontline of the armed struggle against US imperialism.

On the economic front, China and India are leading the growth of the World Economy.

In the political struggle, all the states of the world are on the line; we are all in it.


The West Asian states on the arc stretching from the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea to the Sea of Oman are on the front lines of humanity.

Russia’s war in Ukraine against US imperialism is the fight of all of us. On this front, we join Russian heroism. We join the resistance of the Alexander Nevskys, Kutuzovs, Stalins and Putins.

Right now, in the Eastern Mediterranean, US guns are pointed from military bases on Greek shores towards Türkiye. Türkiye keeps here the watch for humanity.  

Syria, Iraq, Türkiye and Iran are fighting with arms together against the US project of a Second Israel labeled “Kurdistan”.

The emerging unity between Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Emirates and Yemen is historic importance. Especially the beginning of the process of Iran joining the Organization of Turkic States is of extraordinary value for the unification of Asia.

China provides bravery and hope to all humanity with its insistence on constructing socialism and its awareness in the Strait of Taiwan.


Dear friends,

Today, the north of Syria is the key part of this frontline.  Here, we have forces and a strategic position that is superior to that of US imperialism.         

Due to given circumstances, Russia, Türkiye, Syria and Iran are not able to pursue joint operations and maneuvers in the Ukraine front. But in the north of Syria, all four of these states are present with their military forces. The frontline of Black Sea – Mediterranean – Arabian Sea can be united via the north of Syria. And such a practice will be start of a process to expel the United States from our region.

In the north of Syria, the common armed decision of Syria, Türkiye, Russia, and Iran defeat USA and will paves the way for success.

Joint operations in Syria with the goal to eliminate US-led separatist and religious extremist terror organizations will not only ensure Syria’s territorial integrity. They will also constitute a decisive offensive for the security of West Asia and the world’s peace.

This joint military operation will:

1. Liberate the Turkish state from pursuing hesitating and contradictory practices and ensure its positioning in the joint front;

2. Confront the United States with the problem of fighting at several fronts simultaneously;

3. Strengthen Russia’s position on the Ukraine front;

4. Strengthen China’s position in the Taiwan Strait.


Honorable friends,

In 2017, Türkiye, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Russia acted together and foiled the US and Israeli attempt to establish a so-called ‘Kurdistan’ in the north of Iraq.

Azerbaijan, Türkiye and Russia have displayed a joint approach and practice in the Karabakh War. As a result, the United States could not set even one foot in the Caucasus.

These practices show that the unity of West Asian countries within the

Turkish-Russian axis provide a model of peace and security.


Now is the time to broaden this model to all regions of confrontation. In that context:

1.  A joint position needs to be taken against NATO enlargement to the East. NATO must be stopped.

2.  A united front must be established with the goal of closing down all US and NATO military bases.

3.  Crimea is territory of the Russian Federation. The Donetsk and Luhansk regions as well as Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are part of the Russian Federation. These facts must be recognized officially and openly.

4.  The independence of the Republic of Abkhazia must be recognized.

5.  Azerbaijan’s struggle to liberate its territories under occupation must be supported.

6.  The Russian-Turkish-Iranian Astana Process must be decisively advanced and moved to the north of Syria.

7.  In the Eastern Mediterranean, the struggle of the region’s states to defend their Blue Homeland against the axis of US-Israel-Greece must be supported. The truth is clear as a bell: Ukraine is Greece in the Black Sea, and Greece is Ukraine in the Mediterranean.

8.  Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is Asia’s position of resistance in the East Mediterranean. The domination of the US over the whole of Cyprus and the expulsion of the Turkish Army from Cyprus will lead to the control of all routes from the Suez Canal to the Strait of Hormuz. For this reason, the TRNC must be recognized and the resistance position in Northern Cyprus must be strengthened.

9.  All efforts should be pursued with determination to end Israel’s occupation of Arab lands. Moreover, all measures must be applied to ensure the establishment of a unified, independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital city.

10. The United States’ sanctions to various countries of the world should not be recognized nor applied. These sanctions should be turned into “golden opportunities” to further develop cooperation between regional countries.

11. The sanctions and embargoes imposed by the US against Russia, Abkhazia, Iran, Turkey, the TRNC, Syria, China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, and many other countries of the world should not be recognized, and we should be brave in overriding these sanctions. These sanctions should be turned into “Golden Opportunities” to further develop cooperation between regional countries.

12. There should be a joint struggle against separatist terrorism and terrorism disguised as religion in every inch of West Asia. There should be a joint struggle against the export of terrorism from West Asia to China’s Sinciang Uyghur region.

13. Institutions like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS, Asian Union, Arab League, and the Organization of Turkic States unite the region’s countries against hegemonism. Unity, solidarity and integration among these organizations must be developed further.

14. The People’s Republic of China’s Belt and Road Initiative for a shared development must be advanced further.      

15. Works to pursue international trade in national currencies and to establish joint regional currencies, must be intensified.

Dear friends,

The world is facing the challenges of a new era of national democratic revolutions.

May the words of our great poet Yunus Emre enlighten the path ahead: “How high the mountain ever may be, the road passes over its summit.”

In this conference, we have once again become companions of the paths that cross lofty mountains.

We have passed through seven fires, and we are ready to pass through 77 fires.

Our common hopes and desires provide us with extraordinary power.

Asia’s heritage of grand empires and revolutions has taught us to live in pride and brotherly.

The banner of humanism is now in our hands.

As the Turkish nation, we promise to fight with our heads up on the frontline for the construction of the Asian Civilization.

Trust in Türkiye.

Trust in the Vatan Party.

I greet respectfully and wholeheartedly all the fighters gathered here. Together, we will fight for the new civilization that is not individualist and profit-driven but is sharing, public-oriented, statist, freedom loving, peaceful and that strengthens the independence of national states.
