Mr. Yezhou Guo,
Dear participants,
I am very proud to make the opening speech of such a meeting.
We have gathered here as the founding countries of the New Civilization. It is essential to start by identifying the period we are in in terms of the tasks we will put before us and our cooperation.
The US imperialism’s plans to dominate the world have come to an end.
The Dollar Reign, the most unbridled extortion system in history, is collapsing.
One by one, states that challenge the armed and economic power of the US, especially the countries that met at this meeting, are emerging on the stage of history.
Today, humanity is embracing the values advocated by China and the Chinese Communist Party, such as shared development, common life and cooperation.
It is in these conditions that we are leading the dawn of a new era.
But the work of US imperialism and its attacks on our countries have not ended.
Today one of the most important attack tools of imperialism is the media. They are trying to ensure the continuity of their own world order by creating perception through the media, arranging internal turmoil, and seducing consciousness. The experiences of all of us in their own countries are important, but something needs to be done internationally to counter this.
The West uses not only weapons and economy as an attack mechanism, but also the printed media, visual media and social media areas very intensively.
They recklessly use these methods in every part of the world without relying on any ethical value. Today, at one end of Asia, Russia and Turkey are exposed to these attacks in various ways from the west, while China is the target of these attacks in the far east.
They have intensified their attacks with LGBT, which has recently targeted the family, the most sacred structure of societies. They organize a social attack under the name of “pride marches”, which is centered on the media.
We, who are in front of the developing world and are clearly aware of this situation, must create our own mechanisms against these attacks.
We must build an alternative new media.
Together with the labor parties, the parties of the developing world, we can build new media.
İstanbul may be the center of this new media.
We have 60 years of broadcast experience. We have been publishing a daily newspaper called Aydınlık Newspaper for 60 years.
We have a television channel that has been watched from ocean to ocean for 23 years.
We have a scientific journal and a theoretical publication that we publish every month for nearly 40 years.
We did all this without any support from anyone, relying on our own strength. Let’s all take part in this work on an international scale.
1. We are people-oriented, we are for people, we defend humanity.
2. We are free.
3. We are realistic. We are responsible to the peoples of the world by sticking to the facts. We challenge the lie bombardment of the imperialist-driven media.
4. We defend the independence of states. We will not bow to the domination and oppression of US-based imperialism. We shoulder the process of the multipolar world.
5. We will fight against the corrupting effects of imperialist culture. We are at the service of the public and the public interest against individualism and private interest.
6. We are the representative of the Emerging Asian Civilization, Africa and Latin America. All the peoples of the world are our brothers.
7. We advocate the brotherhood and cooperation of China and Turkey at the East and West ends of Asia. We are on the route of the Belt and Road Initiative that embraces seven climates.
8. We will protect and secure human dignity, independence of countries and socialist morality in data sharing.
I greet all participants again and wish you a successful workshop.