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The Vatan Party considers herself as the heir and the continuation of the Workers’ and Farmers’ Socialist Party of Turkey founded in 1919

The Vatan Party was announced at the Extraordinary General Congress of the Workers’ Party (Turkey) that was held on the 15th of February 2015. At this Congress, the Party changed its name by the votes of the delegates unanimously. The program and the statutes of the Party remained the same and the Vatan Party considers herself as the continuation of the Workers’ Party (Turkey). The chairman of the Party is Doğu Perinçek.

The Vatan Party describes herself as the vanguard party which struggles for the establishment of a patriotic government. The Vatan Party gathers nationalist, populist and socialist richness of Turkish Revolution under her roof. The Party has been struggling for the completion of the National Democratic Revolution that made a breakthrough with the Republican Revolution and for establishing an independent and democratic Turkey. The emblem of the Party is two white wheat ears wrapping a white star on a red background. The wheat ears are representing the country and labour; the star is representing the north star, showing the right path. The youth student wing of the Party is known as “Öncü Gençlik” (Vanguard Youth). The youth labourer wing of the Party is known as “Emekçi Gençlik” (Labourer Youth). The women wing of the Party is known as “Öncü Kadın” (Vanguard Women).

Short History of the Workers’ Party (Turkey)

Workers’ Party (Turkey) was founded in 1992. But, the Party considered herself as the heir and the continuation of the Workers’ and Farmers’ Socialist Party of Turkey that was founded in 1919 and accepted this date as its date of foundation.

The chairman of the Party was Doğu Perinçek. Perinçek was the chairman of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Party of Turkey before the military coup d’etat that took place on 12 September 1980. He was also the chairman of the Socialist Party (Turkey) which was founded in 1988, following the dissolution of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Party of Turkey by the pro-American 12 September regime.

In the 1960s, there has been a discussion amongst the socialists of Turkey. Workers’ Party of Turkey (TIP) was the unique political party which gathered all socialists under a single roof during the 1960s. Socialist movement split into two groups within the party and advocated two different strategies regarding political struggle. One group supported the “National Democratic Revolution Strategy”, while the other supported the “Socialist Revolution Strategy”.

Doğu Perinçek and his friends took place in the group that supports the National Democratic Revolution Strategy, which is basically a strategy to build up socialism through “staged revolution”. This ideology is defined as “scientific socialism” by its followers. Doğu Perinçek resigned from TIP whose administrators supported the other strategy and had been elected as the President of Dev-Genç (the youth organization which consisted of student organizations established in the universities all over the country) in 1968. Dev-Genç led the youth movement in Turkey while the world had been shaken with the 68′ revolutionary movement.

In November 1968, Doğu Perinçek and his friends started to publish a theoretical monthly called “Aydınlık” (the “clarity”). From that time onwards, the political group has been called as “Aydınlık Movement”. Aydınlık is still being published today as a daily newspaper.

The Aydınlık Movement established the Workers’ and Peasants’ Party of Turkey in 1978. The Party waged struggle against imperialism, social imperialism and feudalism. The main goal of the Party was to bring the people into power, based on an alliance of workers and peasants. The Party was dissolved and the leadership of the Party was arrested after the military coup d’etat that took place on 12 September 1980.

Following the dissolution of the Party by the pro-American 12 September regime, the Socialist Party (Turkey) was established in 1988. The Socialist Party, in turn, was dissolved by the decision of Constitutional Court in 1992. Reason of this decision was a speech of Chairman Doğu Perinçek regarding the Kurdish Question at a TV discussion programme before the 1991 elections.

The Workers’ Party (Turkey) was founded following the dissolution of the Socialist Party (Turkey) that was banned in 1992.

Co-operation with Anti-imperialist Forces and Eurasian Conferences

Former Workers’ Party (Turkey) and now the Vatan Party supports strongly and finds it very critical co-operation of the countries in the “Chaos Geography” from Balkans to the Pacific that are at the target of US led New World Order. Workers’ Party (Turkey) has been opposing and resisting the colonization imposed to the oppressed world and to Turkey from the beginning, and defended the unity of the oppressed world. With this perspective, Workers’ Party (Turkey) organized “Eurasian Conferences” in Turkey several times.

The 1st Eurasian Conference was held in 1996 in Istanbul and 16 political parties, some associations and personalities from all over the world attended the conference.

The 2nd Eurasian Conference was held in 2000 in Istanbul. Representatives of 37 political parties, academicians, journalists and intellectuals participated in the conference. The NATO aggression on Yugoslavia and the embargo on Iraq were condemned in the communique. The conference also demanded that the blockade on Cuba should be lifted and the US forces on the Korean Peninsula should leave the country.

Another “Eurasian Symposium”, was convened under the auspices of H.E. Suleyman Demirel, the former President of Turkey, with the participation of H.E. Rauf Denktaş, the President of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus at Gazi University (Ankara) in 2004. The Symposium was held with the participation of Alexander Dugin, the President of the International Eurasian Movement and the ambassadors of the People’s Republic of China, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, to Turkey; and on the domestic scale, the representatives of the political parties, trade unions, Democratic Organizations together with national businessmen, officers and intellectuals.

Struggle Against the so-called Armenian Genocide Allegations

Patriotic Party (Turley) struggles against all kinds of imperialist aggression toward Turkey. The US led imperialist forces are increasing the campaign against Turkey regarding the so-called Armenian genocide allegations in the last decade. The US and the EU have been adopting resolutions in their parliaments which accuse Turkey and even consider the Turkish War of Independence as a crime against humanity.

The Workers’ Party (Turkey) supported and participated in several conferences and mass demonstrations in main European cities such as Lausanne, Berlin and Paris between 2005 and 2007. Workers’ Party (Turkey) attended a conference against the Armenian allegation of genocide which was held in Lausanne in 2005 with the participation of hundreds of Turkish intellectuals, deputies, politicians, rectors, deans, retired army generals and the representatives of mass organizations. During the conference, the Chairman Perinçek declared to the world public opinion that “Armenian genocide is an international He of the imperialist forces”.

Doğu Perinçek was convicted by the Lausanne Court in 2007. The court used the Swiss anti-racism legislation as a foundation of their judgment.

Doğu Perinçek appealed the judgment of the Lausanne Court, but his appeal was rejected. Perinçek’s lawyers have filed a suit at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg to challenge the judgment of the Lausanne Court. On the 17th of December 2013, the European Court of Human Rights made its judgment that Switzerland violated the rights of Doğu Perinçek. The Swiss government objected to this judgment of the Second Chamber. The Hearing in the Grand Chamber was held on the 28th of January 2015.

“Ergenekon Case”

Chairman Perinçek has been arrested within the scope of “Ergenekon Investigation” on March 2008 and he has been tried by the court since then. The court alleges Perinçek for “establishing an armed terror organization in order to overthrow the government”. “Ergenekon” operation has caused imprisonment or accusation of many famous public figures such as the retired university rectors, the army generals, the political party members, the trade-unionists, the journalists and the newspaper chief editors. The common denominator of all these people is their opposition to the current Erdoğan government. The so-called “Ergenekon Case” under which the leaders of the Party are accused to have taken part in a “conspiracy to overthrow the government” is itself a sheer conspiracy aiming at deactivating the national forces of Turkey fighting against imperialism. The common feature of all of these people alleged under this case is that they have strongly resisted the transformation of our country into an instrument of the US imperialism.

Not only have all major evidences included in the indictment proven to be false, but it was also publicly confessed that the start was given for the Ergenekon Case during the negotiations held between the US President George W. Bush and the Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan in Washington in November 2007.

Despite the fact that all allegations have been disproved through solid evidences Chairman Perinçek remained under arrest until the 10th of March 2014.

The Ergenekon operation, launched by Tayyip Erdogan and Abdullah Gül against patriotic forces and army commanders, is an illegal assault that targets the Turkish Armed Forces. This aggression is being executed by SuperNATO (Gladio) organization in Turkey that is backed by US Army settled in the Middle East. Tayyip Erdoğan is in the service of this organization as the co-president of the “Greater Middle East Project” (He admitted that he is the co-president of the Greater Middle East Project in 31 different speeches).
