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Golden Opportunity for Turkey’s Economic Security

Golden Opportunity for Turkey’s Economic Security

Vatan Party Chairman Doğu Perinçek held a press conference with Deputy Chairman Utku Reyhan today (8 March 2022) in Vatan Party Istanbul Headquarters. Perinçek stated that in the environment of Russia’s war against NATO and the sanctions the USA has tried to impose on Russia has enabled extraordinary opportunities to arise for Turkey’s economy and security. Perinçek explained these historical opportunities in detail and presented them to the evaluation of the Turkish nation. The Chairman of Vatan Party briefly explained:

Russia’s war against NATO and the US sanctions against Russia present extraordinary opportunities for Turkey. By utilizing this golden opportunity, Turkey will be able to seek a great solution within its own economy, security and contribute to the establishment of the New World by influencing international balances. Turkey will;

  1. Ensure energy security, provide cheap diesel fuel to our producers and cheap electricity to our people.
  2. Arrange Istanbul as an International Finance Center, and eliminate the shortage of currency.
  3. Enter a historical and exponential growth period in the field of tourism.
  4. Istanbul Airport will be the centre of a transportation network that provides Russia’s air traffic with the rest of the world.
  5. Organize the big breakthroughs in terms of exports.
  6. Assure food safety in products such as grain and sunflower oil.
  7. Lead our national defence industry to the ability to develop on a world scale.
  8. Provide information security together.
  9. Bring to reality the human-oriented national breakthrough in scientific research.
  10. Build Asian Age Universities together and train the leading cadres of the 21st Century.
  11. Secure the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and place the economy of Northern Cyprus on a historical attack.
  12. Establish co-operation to deter threats in the Eastern Mediterranean.


The crisis of the imperialist system led by the USA is getting deepening with time. This structural crisis has entered an incurable stage with the COVID-19 Epidemic and Russia’s war against NATO. Western economies, especially the USA, have faced the hyperinflation process.

The Atlantic System is in a deadlock and is continuing to sink. A new Civilization is rising from Asia, one that will save humanity.

The sinking system is a system; of unbridled self-interest, self-interested selfishness, inhumane violence, and corruption that plays with the gender of men and women.

The Emerging Asian Civilization is based on the independence of nation-states; It is humanitarian, public, partaker, enlightening, and peaceful.

Turkey and the other Turkish States occupy a special position among the pioneers of the Emerging Asian Civilization, along with Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Korea.


Russia’s war against NATO and the US sanctions against Russia present extraordinary opportunities for Turkey. By seizing the golden opportunity, Turkey both seeks a great solution for its own economy and security, and contributes to the establishment of the New World by influencing international balances.

Turkish State and the Turkish Nation will indeed evaluate the opportunities that this historical event has put in front of Turkey. Vatan Party has the program, strategy, policies, revolutionary staff, and the experience to fulfill this task. We demand a task from the Turkish Nation.

  1. Ensure energy security, provide cheap diesel fuel to our producers and cheap electricity to our people.

Turkey is in a lucky geographical position when it comes to energy needs. Yes, Turkey’s energy resources are limited, but its neighbours have the richest skis in the world.

Sanctions against Russia and Iran are sanctions against Turkey. We do not recognize these sanctions. The USA pursues sanctions against 41 countries thus imposing sanctions on itself.

Turkey can supply its natural gas, oil, and diesel needs from Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Qatar, and Algeria thus not giving in to the US dictates.

We will turn these sanctions imposed on Russia and Iran into an opportunity to provide cheap diesel to our industrial and agricultural producers and cheap electricity to our people.

  • Arrange Istanbul as an International Finance Center, and eliminate the shortage of currency.

The USA attempt to cut off Russia’s monetary relations with the world will hit a wall on the Turkish front.

Abdullah Gül’s and Babacan’s attempt to make Istanbul the so-called “financial centre” within the USA global financial system. No, Turkey could not and never will be the station of Global Usury. However, now Turkey has the opportunity to become the financial centre of the Developing World. Thus, Turkey will make a historical contribution to the construction of the banking system of the New World that is being established.

We must regulate our banking system in order to make Istanbul the centre of money traffic between Russia, Iran, and the world. Turkey can assume historical responsibilities in ensuring uninterrupted trade and monetary flow between Asian and Western economies, thus getting out of the foreign exchange shortage and occupying a distinguished position among the Developing World economies. For this purpose, Turkey should regulate its banking transactions and credit card applications according to new international needs, and make an agreement with Russia and Iran.

Decisive measures should be taken to bring the bank deposits of our citizens abroad to Turkey immediately.

Turkey’s foreign exchange reserves should be converted into gold reserves with the fastest methods.

Turkey should join the money transfer system developed by Russia and China without wasting time.

Turkey should turn to trade in national currencies with all countries, especially Russia, China, and our neighbours.

  • Enter a historical and exponential growth period in the field of tourism.

The US sanctions and the attempt to close its airspaces to Russia offer golden opportunities to Turkish tourism.

The conditions for hosting Russian and Ukrainian tourists going to Greece, Southern Cyprus and Europe in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus have arisen. Yes, Ukrainian tourists will also come to Turkey because Zelensky, who is merely a toy of the USA, will not be a leading figure in Ukraine.

In order to host tens of millions of new tourists, Turkey should organize its hospitality accumulation and equipment in all our tourism regions, especially the Mediterranean and Aegean regions, and reorganize our tourism areas, which are famous for their historical and natural riches, which attract especially Chinese tourists.

  • Istanbul Airport will be the centre of a transportation network that provides Russia’s air traffic with the rest of the world.

Turkey should defend and implement freedom of trade and transportation against the US attempt to close its airspaces to Russia. We can turn Istanbul Airport into the centre of a transportation network that provides Russia’s air traffic with the whole world. Thus, enabling Turkish Airlines to take the lead among the most powerful airlines in the world. Turkey gains the position of a logistics centre on a world scale.

  • Organize the big breakthroughs in terms of exports.

Russia and China have been among Turkey’s top three trading partners for years.

We have extensive trade opportunities with Iran and Syria.

The Turkish government cannot say yes to US impositions as great opportunities in export has come to our feet.

We will increase the sales of our fruit, vegetables, and industrial products to Russia exponentially and increase our revenue in the field of contracting services.

  • Assure food safety in products such as grain and sunflower oil.

We buy agro-industrial products such as grain, sunflower oil, and important energy products such as hard coal from Russia and Ukraine. We have the opportunity to secure our imports in these areas under the most favourable conditions. We will provide it.

  • Lead our national defence industry to the ability to develop on a world scale.

Russia is one of the two most advanced countries in the world in terms of the war industry. There are extraordinary conditions for developing cooperation between Turkey and Russia in the field of the defence industry. On February 18, 2021, I presented the proposal for cooperation between Turkey and the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), which is the umbrella organization of more than 80 companies within the Russian Federation and was established by the order of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, to our President. This institution carries out the construction of all kinds of military and civilian ships, including submarines, in Russia. Cooperation in the defence industry also includes the acquisition of high technology for Turkey. We have also presented to our President the possibilities for the participation of Chinese capital in this cooperation.

We should use the chance to bring our defence industry, which we are proud of to a position on a world scale.

  • Provide information security together.

Collectively, with Russia and other Developing Countries, we create an order that will ensure our public security against the US-based imperialist interventions and schemes in the internet field.

  • Bring to reality the human-oriented national breakthrough in scientific research.

Today, science thrives in Asia. Russia is among the pioneers of developing science.

We have also seized a historical opportunity to get rid of the so-called Western-centred understandings of science and technology that are alien to human beings. In the last meetings and examinations of our Party and USMER Delegation in Moscow, we have concretely determined that we will achieve joint success with Russia’s science and technology studies. We have seen that we will benefit from the new discoveries and inventions of Russian science and technology staff, especially in fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Gene Technology, Agricultural Efficiency, Vaccines, Pharmacology, Early Diagnosis, and Oncology.

By organizing joint studies with Russian scientific and research institutions, we obtain scientific discovery and research opportunities and realize the people-oriented national breakthrough in science.

  1. Build Asian Age Universities together and train the leading cadres of the 21st Century.

Conditions are more favourable today for building Asian Age Universities together with state and university institutions of Russia, the People’s Republic of China, Iran, Azerbaijan, and other Asian countries.

We can transform our university cities into centres of science and academia that train the cadres of the Asian Age.

  1. Secure the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and place the economy of Northern Cyprus on a historical attack.

In the new conditions in which the Black Sea, Aegean, Mediterranean, Caspian, and Strait of Hormuz securities are integrated, we have realized together with Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq, and Syria, in Syria and the north of Iraq, in Karabakh, Kazakhstan, and Libya we have realized the peace and security opportunities for improvement and reinforcement are before us. The conditions for the liberation of Karabakh, the recognition of the fact that Crimea is Russian territory, the recognition of Abkhazia and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as a state have matured.

We should open Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ Ercan Airport to Russian planes and seaports to Russian ships. We will implement the necessary arrangements for the Russian financial capital leaving the Southern Cyprus to come to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus banks.

  1. Establish co-operation to deter threats in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The historic opportunity has arisen to deter the threat from US bases on the entire Greek coast, Crete, Southern Cyprus, Syria, and northern Iraq. Turkey seized the opportunity to establish its superior power in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Aegean.

It is time to start the series of multinational military exercises proposed by Vatan Party to the states of Russia, Iran, and China within the framework of the Mediterranean Black Sea Friendship and Peace Plan.


The policies of “supporting Ukraine” and demanding NATO’s expansion to the East, announced by our President, are invalid. Beyond missing the opportunity to save our economy from the foreign exchange deadlock and develop production to an extraordinary extent due to these policies, we make our country open to the chaotic plans of the USA.

Soon the administration of Tayyip Erdogan will not find a Zelensky government leading Ukraine to continue its relations with. In order to develop good relations with Russia today and the Ukrainian government of tomorrow, we have to take a determined stance against NATO’s eastward expansion policy and US threats. Those who do not give up on the USA and Zelensky give up on both Russia and Ukraine. If the current government insists on policies that are not capable of intervening in the process, which it calls “balance”, misses the historical opportunity, breaks away from the Turkish nation and  thus cannot rule the country.

Vatan Party is ready for its task to implement the Golden Opportunity, which we have summarized in 12 points mentioned above.
