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 The Black Sea – Mediterranean Friendship and Peace Plan

 The Black Sea – Mediterranean Friendship and Peace Plan

Central Committee of the Vatan Party

  1. US and NATO bases that threaten peace and development in the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Aegean, Mediterranean and Arabian Sea regions must be liquidate and the fight against US-led separatist and bigoted terrorism must be supported.
  2. Turkish and Rum people of the Cyprus are members of different nations and because of the misery past it isn’t possible they can live together. The two peoples have inevitably determined their future separately. It is on the basis of this reality that Turkey-Greece friendship can embark on a healthy path. The Republic of Abkhazia is the state of Abkhazian nation and factor of peace, stability and security in the Black Sea region. Recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Abkhazia by the states of the region and the world will disrupt the hegemonic plans of the United States and serve peace, stability and prosperity.
  3. Türkiye’s protecting of its legitimate rights in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, is compatible with the interest of the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean countries from Russia, Syria and Egypt to Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Italy. Türkiye’s defense of its Blue Homeland against the threats of the US-Israel-Greece-South Cyprus military alliance in the Eastern Mediterranean should be supported.
  4. US-based intervention to Libya must be ended, the legitimate government of Libya must be supported and its territorial integrity must be ensured. The struggle of the legitimate UN-recognized government of Libya to unify its homeland by all means is both its right and the only solution for peace in the Mediterranean. Libyan oil belongs to the Libyan state and nation.
  5. Crimea must be recognized as a territory of the Russian Federation.
  6. In order to put an end to Armenia’s occupation of Karabakh, which is Azerbaijan’s territory, the states of the region must put their weight behind it and Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity must be ensured.
  7. Syria’s territorial and state integrity and peace in Syria must be ensured. Syria must be purified from separatist and bigoted terrorist organization. The US must stop building up its forces on Syrian territory and withdraw from Syria. The Astana Process led by Iran, Russia and Turkey and Sochi Consensus between Türkiye and Russia are the guarantees of a peaceful solution.
  8. Israel’s occupation of Arab countries’ territories and oppression on the Palestinian people must end and the independent State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital must be recognized.
  9. Türkiye, Russia, Iran, Syria, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Abkhazia, People’s Republic of China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Venezuela and Cuba should work together to for the lifting of sanctions and embargoes, and conditions for free trade and economic cooperation between these countries should be established. Trade in National Currencies must be developed to put an end to Dollar Reign and prosperity of the peoples of the world.
  10. Barriers to free transportation, communication, tourism, economic and cultural developments between the countries of the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Aegean, Mediterranean and Arabian Sea should be removed.
