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Proposal and Justification for a Law on the Criminalization of Propaganda and Organization of Unnatural Sexual Identities and Relationships

Proposal and Justification for a Law on the Criminalization of Propaganda and Organization of Unnatural Sexual Identities and Relationships


The propaganda and organization of unnatural sexual identities and relationships other than the identity and relationship between men and women, such as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Genderlessness, Fluid Gender”, abbreviated as LGBT, pose a serious threat to our nation, state and people and have devastating consequences.

Throughout history, homosexuality has been imposed on society from the top to bottom in societies where class conflicts and the denigration of women have reached extreme levels. In today’s world, LGBT propaganda and organization are part of the destructive activities of imperialist states against all humanity and our national state. Through this activity, the values that sustain our society are being corrupted and decayed.

Under the concept of “gender” created by ideological pressures from the imperialist West, sexlessness and similar unnatural sexual identities are imposed on society, homosexuality and transsexualism are popularized. First of all, the human being, the institution of the family and the whole society with its men and women are targeted. Alienating people from their gender, making them fight with their own bodies, triggers depressions, suicides, drug and alcohol addiction, and provokes violence. The number of people who regret changing their sex due to external impositions is increasing.

LGBT propaganda targets even innocent and unconscious children, making them vulnerable to abuse. Moreover, interfering with children’s sex and using them to legitimize the LGBT movement darkens the future of our society.

Research shows that there has been a significant increase in cases of so-called ” sex dysphoria” in Türkiye and around the world. The reason for this increase is not natural but ideological and cultural. Young people’s search for identity is brought together with LGBT propaganda presented as “freedom, modernity, rebellion against the order” and the identity of “LGBT individual” is popularized.

 LGBT propaganda and organizing, supported by foreign state money, is inflicting deepening wounds on our national culture and morality.

It is the constitutional duty of our State to protect people, society, health, public morality and public security. The purpose of the “Law on the Criminalization of Propaganda and Organization of Unnatural Sexual Identities and Relationships” is to protect our state, society, family and people by criminalizing LGBT propaganda and organization.

The reason why LGBT is not preferred in the name of the law is that new sexual identities are being created. Thus, the letters LGBT are rendered inadequate. Therefore, the term “Unnatural Sexual Identities and Relationships” is used.

Propaganda of unnatural sexual identities and relations refers to public acts of encouragement and inculcation. Encouraging publications made through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, books, television, cinema, radio, internet and meetings and demonstrations of the same character are within the scope of propaganda.

Information, research and discussions on gender, sexuality and unnatural sexual identities are, of course, not criminalized.

What is penalized under the law is public propaganda. The private lives of individuals and the exchange of views among themselves are not in the scope of propaganda.

The determination of the element of intent is of decisive importance in the formation of the crime.

As for the crime of organization, the Law also punishes the acts of establishing or leading an organization for the purpose of propaganda of unnatural sexual identities and relations. It also provides for the dissolution of organizations established for the defined purpose. Two conditions must be met for the closure provision to be issued. Either the crime will be committed through the organs representing that organization, or it will be determined that the activities of that organization constitute the focus of the defined crime.

Receiving financial assistance from foreign states, organizations and institutions for criminal purposes is envisaged as a reason for aggravating the penalty.

Expressions such as “toplumsal cinsiyet (gender)” and “gender”, which entered the laws, regulations, bylaws, circulars and circulars and public documents issued after the Istanbul Convention was adopted on November 24, 2011, remain in the legal regulations of the state, despite the termination of the Istanbul Convention by Presidential Decree on March 20, 2021. These expressions not only pave the way for the corruption and decay imposed by imperialism, but also open space for the crime of propaganda and organization of LGBT. For these reasons, it is the indefinite duty of the executive and legislative bodies to remove the relevant expressions from legal texts and documents.

Law on the Criminalization of Propaganda and Organization of Unnatural Sexual Identities and Relationships

1. Definition of Crime

Propaganda and organizational activity aimed at the encouragement and indoctrination of unnatural or so-called “gender” sexes, sexual relations and sex changing outside of medical necessity is a crime.

2. Propaganda crime

Those who commit the act of propaganda as defined in the Law orally or publicly through written, visual and audio mass media shall be punished with a judicial fine from 500 days to ten thousand days.

If the crime is committed within the scope of organizational activity, the penalty shall be increased by half.

The publication containing the propaganda defined in the law shall be banned and public access to the publication shall be blocked.

3. Ban on meetings and demonstrations

As stipulated in Article 34 of the Constitution, assembly and demonstration marches to carry out the acts defined as crimes in this law are prohibited for the purposes of “national security, public order, prevention of crime, protection of public health and morals or the rights and freedoms of others”. The penal provisions of the Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstration Marches shall be applied in the event of actions contrary to this provision.

4. The crime of association

Those who establish or lead an organization for the propaganda and dissemination of unnatural sexual identities and relations shall be sentenced to imprisonment from six months to three years.

5. Sanction to close a legal entity

If the crime is committed through the organs governing the legal entity or if the legal entity becomes the focus of the criminal activity, the legal entity shall be dissolved and the responsible managers shall be punished with imprisonment from one to three years.

6. The crime of receiving financial support from foreign natural and legal persons for criminal purposes

Those who receive financial support from foreign states, organizations and institutions for the purpose of committing the acts defined in the law shall be punished with imprisonment from two to four years.

The support received shall be confiscated. If the value to be confiscated has been spent, it shall be ordered to be collected from the recipient or recipients of the support.

The organization receiving material support for criminal purposes shall be dissolved.

7. Date of publication and effective

This Law shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

The provisions of the Law shall be executed by the Presidency.
