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Doğu Perinçek’s Korean Meeting speech

Doğu Perinçek’s Korean Meeting speech

July 27, 2023

Dear friends, 
Dear comrades,

The victory of the Korean people under the leadership of the Korean Workers’ Party is the victory of all the people of the world and humanity. 

On behalf of the Vatan Party and the Turkish nation, we salute the heroism of the eternal president of the Korean nation, Kim Il Sung, the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean people from the western edge of Asia, from Türkiye. 

Today, just like in the 1950s(nineteen-fifties), the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is resisting against US imperialism with knowledge and courage under the guidance of their supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

The USA is no longer the USA of the 1950s(nineteen-fifties). Here there and everywhere, it has encountered with the struggle of world progressive people and states, and it is regressing. The dollar reign is collapsing. We have reached the end of the Atlantic era. A new civilization is rising from Asia. In the Asian era we have entered, the reunification of Korea against imperialism has a historic importance.

We wish the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean nation brilliant victories in the construction of an independent, people-centered, state-oriented and sharing Asian civilization.

With heartfelt feelings of comradeship and respect.

Doğu Perinçek

Chairman of Patriotic Party
