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Doğu Perinçek: Why it is right to send military to Qatar

Doğu Perinçek: Why it is right to send military to Qatar

By sending military to Qatar, Turkey;

-​ Is not taking side in the conflicts between Arab nations, it is taking side in the struggle against imperialism.

-​ Identifies that Front Line stretches from Eastern Mediterranean to the Oman Sea.

-​ Establishes defence posts at advance lines against US plan of “Kurdistan”.

-​ Meets its allies and wins their trust.

-​ Is obstructing the ways bowing down to the USA.

-​ Does not sell Mehmetcik’s blood, it gives duty of strategic importance to Mehmetcik for defence of Motherland.


There is a Front now established from Eastern Mediterrarean to the Oman Sea. We can defend Turkey’s territorial integrity only by establishing footholds along this line.

At this Line our main strenght is, no doubt, Turkey’s national power.

However, at the same line there are other countries resisting US/Israel centred aggression. Those countries are being Turkey’s alliance accumulation. If we use this alliance the victory will be certain. If we do not, we pay a heavy price (results will be too catastrophic).

In our age Homeland War is a war against Imperialism. The war against imperialism, yes, is at national scale, but at the same time it is at regional and global scale.

Remember our first Independence War which strarted in 1914 with the Great War and finished in Izmir with definite victory in April 9, 1922: At first stage we could only defend our homeland establishing alliances with Germany and Axis countries, at second stage alliances with Soviet Russia and Oppressed World were necessity for a certain victory. First stage created the potential for second stage.


Today, Turkey will reach victory for homeland forming the alliances accumulation. From this point of view there are important progresses.

Administration of Tayyip Erdogan and Qatar, until yesterday, were in position of alliance with US and Israel. They took part in the war of US and Israel to topple Syrian Government. Now, they are, at the front, stand in the same position with Syria. Germany too, is not with US anymore.

FSA (Free Syrian Army) was among the military groups that US pushed to the front line against Syrian government. Turkish Army fought against the Syria’s enemies IS and PYD/YPG during Shield of Firat Operation together with FSA.

As we stated from the very beginning, under the control of Turkish Army, The Sultan Murad Brigades of FSA joined the Syrian Army. In this way, with Turkey, FSA too crossed over to the front line where Syria is.

In this duration, obviously, the last important progress was the failing of US attempt for setting up a Sunni Alliance. Despite US imposition, Turkey and Qatar did not come together with Saudi Arabia and Gulf Sheiks but choosed side with Syria, Iran, Iraq and Russia.


At the opposite side there are strong powers like US and Israel. For its territorial integrity Turkey has to use its potential alliances. Every front that opens against US and Israel in the region strengthens and strengtheningTurkey’s Motherland War. Because of this, thoughts such as ‘What do we have in common with Qatar”, ‘We shouldn’t take sides in the conflicts between Arabs’, ‘Don’t sacrifice Mehmetçik in Qatar’, or, ‘Don’t sell Mehmetçik’s blood’ show that today the reality of front line from Eastern Mediterranean to the Oman Sea have not been understood at all.

If Qatar resists, if Qatar reinforces its position with Syria and Iran, Turkey’s war for Motherland gets stronger.


Moreover, Qatar is our foothold for gathering and meeting with our alliances accumulation. In that foothold we are becoming comrade-in-arms with Iran, with Russia, with other countries that resist US.

Because of exporting terror to Syria by the administration of Tayyip Erdoğan in the past, cthere is a distrust against Turkey. Qatar is an important field too for us in order to transform these suspicious gazes into trust. Turkey, by being at the side of Qatar, distrupted the Sunni Alliances of US and Israel and won the trust of countries in the region. So that, plans of conflicts based on axis of religious sects are too distrupted. The region’s countries took up their stands against imperialism through Turkey’s determinant contrubition.


Turkey, by sending military to Qatar, is not taking sides in the conflicts between Arab nations, it is taking side against imperialism.

Turkey, by sending military to Qatar, states that against US-Israel aggression the Front Line stretches from Eastern Mediterranean to theOman Sea.

Turkey, by sending military to Qatar, establishes defence posts at front lines against US and Israel’s plan of “Kurdistan”.

Turkey, by sending military to Qatar, is winning its allies’ trust.

Turkey, by sending military to Qatar, blocking the ways which have potential for bowing down to US.

Turkey, by sending military to Qatar, strengthens resistance of Qatar, and is preventing this country to be a bait to the USA.

Turkey, by sending military to Qatar, is not selling Mehmetçik’s blood, it is giving Mehmetçik a duty of strategic importance for defence of Motherland.

Those who are opposing the military being sent to Qatar, whatever their intention, are opposing the homeland war becoming stronger against USA.
