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Doğu Perinçek: The Eurasian Age and its New Civilization

Doğu Perinçek: The Eurasian Age and its New Civilization

Paper presented to the “CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting”, Beijing, 1st – 3rd of December 2017

By Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party

The “Communist Party of China in Dialogue with World Political Parties High Level Meeting” has started. There is no reason to believe that organizing this meeting, the CPC wants to direct political parties according to its own line. Rather it seems that the Chinese leadership felt the need to exchange views with world political parties to understand better the new era that the world is entering. Today far better conditions exist for a more active contribution of China to the building of a new world. The defeats of the US aggressions constitute a fertile ground for all those countries that are seeking independence and welfare.

The Vatan Party takes part in the meeting represented by its Chairman, Doğu Perinçek and by Deputy Chairman of International Relations, Yunus Soner.

The Communist Party of China takes a fully new position, an important initiative by organizing this meeting. This international meeting also shows how the decisions taken by the 19th National Congress of the CPC past month will be implemented into international action.


The leader of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong, has derived a historical lesson from the experience of the Communist International. International organization seems to be a negative experience, because it provides ground for the domination by those political parties that govern their countries. The interventions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the Chinese Revolution have led to great mistakes and great losses, because these interventions did not take the Chinese reality into account. Due to that, the Communist Party of China as a principle always refrained to gather world political parties in one meeting. Rather than that, the CPC holds bilateral meetings with parties of different countries and always keeps a conscious distance from a position of big brother.


We make this evaluation on our own experience. Beginning from 1975, in 1977, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2015, 2016 and this year, I have visited the People’s Republic of China 12 times on official invitation. Other representatives of the Vatan Party also made official visits to China. We also had exchange of opinion with representatives of the CPC in Turkey. In all these visits and meetings, we encountered the same: Let aside showing us the way, the CPC always paid great attention not even to make any suggestions. When they presented their experiences, they always declared: “These are our experiences. That fact that you carefully base yourself on the reality of Turkey when developing your program and politics is a very respectful position, it is an example.”


The world is entering a new era. A new order is being founded. Among the founders of the new era, three centers have great importance:

– In military terms, West Asia represented by Turkey, Russia, Iran, Syria and Iraq.

– In economical terms, Asia that has turned into world’s powerhouse, represented by China and India.

– In political terms, Europe represented by Germany and France challenging the Atlantic System.

Summing up these three centers, we discover the rise of Eurasia.

The main forces in the struggle for a new order are the states and the second forces are the peoples.


Today, Turkey is fighting a patriotic war against imperialism and its pawns. The Turkish Armed Forces are fighting side by side with West Asian countries against separatist and reactionary terror organizations that are trained, equipped and in all senses supported by US imperialism. With this positioning, Turkey is in the forefront of the armed struggle against US imperialism. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey de facto are constructing the Union of West Asia. The building of the Union of West Asia is one of the most important factors to realize the Eurasian Union.

The Vatan Party is programmatically proposing and actively working for the Union of West Asia since 30 years. Now, this struggle is bearing its fruits. The program and politics of the Vatan Party are coming to Turkey’s agenda one by one and are realized step by step. This fact is stated above all by the American, German and Russia press and the international public opinion in general.

Within the conditions of a patriotic war, Turkey has entered into the process of a fundamental decision. In this process, the Gladio Organization planted into the Turkish state by the US is being cleaned up, the US-organized terror organizations, the reactionary Fethullah Gülen group and the separatist PKK are being eliminated, and the people of Turkey are uniting around the revolutionary leader of our First War of Independence, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.


Everyone today recognizes the end of the Atlantic Era. In discussion is merely the following: does the rise of Eurasia constitute a change of boss within the imperialist-capitalist camp, or are we facing the birth of a new civilization?

It is known that capitalism has not developed equally in different countries. The capitalist world has lived the Portuguese and Spanish maritime colonization, the Dutch, British and as last the US dominance.

It is reactionary to think that what has happened in the past will repeat itself in the future. There are some that expect the same to happen with the rise of China and India. Does what we live today support their expectation?

Can China, that has contributed 39% to the world economic growth in 2016, and India, that has contributed 19%, become new United States of America?


Let us express it from the beginning: China and India can’t become new United States, they can’t take over the hegemony of the US, because the world can’t carry the weight of two new United States with a population of 1.5 billion and 1 billion respectively. And China and India themselves can’t carry the weight of becoming US.

The reason is that humanity faces problems that can’t be solved within capitalism, within private property, private profit and egoism.

Capitalism is destroying the ceiling of the world. Capitalism not only destroys the nature, it destroys humanity itself.

Imperialist-capitalism that has become a Mafia-organization doesn’t have the possibility and resources to solve its contradiction with nature and humanity. We have come to the end of the system. Within the given conditions, the imperialist-capitalist system is closed above all to the rising economies. All developing societies can only find themselves a space to live by questioning and overcoming the limits of capitalism. Developing countries like China and India therefore are in the position to become examples for the humanity how to overcome capitalism. These two countries head the list in the rejection to rot within capitalism.


The social system of the rising two economies of Asia as well as their relations with the rest of the world do not hint to the rise of new United States but to the heading towards “development by sharing”. China and India are countries that do not progress on the road of war but on the Silk Road.

The presentation of Xi Jinping to the world public opinion as “the most powerful leader after Mao” aims to secure this road towards “development by sharing”.

With its Central Committee decisions from the 29th of October 2016 and especially with the line of the 19th National Congress, the Communist Party of China has entered into a serious fight against politics that would deepen class privileges inside China.

Without a new bourgeoisie inside, there can’t be politics of hegemony outside.


The words of China’s UN representative in a speech 1974 are a clear reflection of rejecting class building inside China and the translation of this politics into the international area. Referring to Mao Zedong, the representative expressed in sum the following:

“If tomorrow China looks to build up a hegemony, all the countries and the people of the world should unite and tear down Chinese hegemony. In that moment, we will side with the countries and the people of the world.”

The Secretary General of the CPC and President of China, Xi Jinping expresses the same position. Even more impressing is the road China is taking. China today is following Mao’s path of avoiding class differences, and it is carrying the same self-confidence.

India also has a people-based, a popular tradition and can’t become an imperialist country in the south of China.


We are not experiencing today a change of leadership within imperialist capitalism but the worlds heading to a new civilization.

The basic program of this civilization is production and development by sharing.

This civilization is not based on private profit, capitalism-turned-into-mafia, colonialism and hegemony.

The New Civilization develops towards the countries’ independence, economy of production, governing by the people and for the people, dominance of the public sphere, secularism and revolutionary stances.


The World has entered the Age of Asia. The Atlantic System is crushing down and a new civilization is rising from Asia.

Asia has a revolutionary heritage of at least 200 years.


The democratic revolutions of Russia, Turkey, Iran and China, the struggle of India against colonialism, all these had heralded in the beginning of the 20th century the coming of the Age of Asia. The epicenter of the revolution was not in the West anymore; it was now in the East. Africa and Latin America also belong the world of the oppressed people and in that sense, these two continents are also located in the East. In a sense, Africa and Latin America constitute the wings of the Revolutionary Asia.


Let us take a short look back to the 20th century. The facts of the revolutionary century behind us are the wars and victories of Asia and Africa against colonialism and the uprising of Latin America against North American hegemony.

The first historical revolutionary heritage of the New Civilization can be summarized with the following: The Eastern Revolutions perspective and attempts to found socialism, reflected in Lenin’s slogan of the “reactionary Europe, progressive Asia”; the 6 Arrows of the Kemalist Revolution; the 3 People Principle of Sun Yat Sen and the theories of Mao Zedong about the New Democratic Revolution and the uninterrupted revolution in construction of socialism; principles of independence and people serving governments, by Gandhi in India and Cinnah in Pakistan; wars of national liberation and revolutionary experiences lead by Korea’s Kim İl Sung and Vietnam’s Ho Chi Min; national and democratic paths of Nasser and Bin Bella in the Arab world; the heritage of revolutionary struggle in Latin America from Bolivar to Fidel Castro.


The New Civilization is the civilization of national democratic revolutions and opening to socialism.

Against individualism, the New Civilization has the philosophy of community.

Against individual profit, the New Civilization brings the profit of the public.

Against the worldwide casino and mafia styled financial capitalism, the New Civilization is rebellion in favor labor and a civilization of production.

The New Civilization is build up with the leadership of the public sphere and the contribution of the private initiative, united on the grounds of the needs of the nation in a mixed economy.

The New Civilization is against religious or sectarian reactionary thoughts, against ethnic separatism and against terrorism, which is an instrument of imperialism. In that sense, the New Civilization is secular and seeks peace at home and in the world.

Against imperialism as the latest phase of capitalism and the accompanying system of hegemony, the New Civilization creates the atmosphere of a peaceful world based on the independence, equality and mutual interest for states.

The crumbling Atlantic Civilization had risen on exploitation, plundering and weaponry dominance by a few states.

The New Civilization is rising on development by sharing.


In truth, the modern world is today going through the second wave of its founding democratic revolutions.

The first wave of democracy came in the 17th and 18th centuries led by the British, American and French Revolutions.

In the 20th and 21st century, Asia, Africa and Latin America witnessed the Oppressed World’s Democratic Revolutions.

The worlds poor and oppressed are those countries that are developing and progressing.

The New Civilization is being built up by yesterday’s poor and oppressed.

Therefore, the New Civilization is not built up by imperialism but buy those who rebel against it.

From now on, democracy and peace is the democracy and peace brought by National Democratic Revolutions.
