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Continued interest in the middle east press towards the Workers’ Party

Continued interest in the middle east press towards the Workers’ Party

Syrian and Iranian TV channels visit Ankara headquarters

On the 21st of August, the State Television of Syria and the Iranian TV channel el-Alem, broadcasted in Arabic, visited the Headquarter of the Workers’ Party (Turkey) and made interviews with Deputy Chairman Bayram Yurtçiçek and Deputy Secretary General Hüseyin Karanlık. 

The journalists asked Deputy Chairman Bayram Yurtçiçek about the nomination of FM Ahmet Davutoğlu for the Chairmanship of the AKP and the Prime Ministry, the reaction of President Abdullah Gül and about the legal status of Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğan was elected President but still continues as Prime Minister and the Chairman of the AKP.

Yurtçiçek: Erdoğan afraid of his own party

Yurtçiçek declared that regarding their policies, no difference exits between Abdullah Gül and Tayyip Erdoğan. He added that both of them and Davutoğlu are co-officials of the Greater Middle East Project of the USA. Regarding the question about the legal status of Tayyip Erdoğan, Yurtçiçek evaluated the parallel duty of elected President and Prime Minister as illegal. Yurtçiçek underlined that Erdoğan wants to stay as Chairman of the party until the General Congress because he doesn’t trust his own party. Therefore he even stopped declaration of the official election results in the state gazette.

Karanlık: No change in policy

Concerning a possible change in policies of Turkey, Deputy Secretary General Hüseyin Karanlık replied that both Tayyip Erdoğan and Ahmet Davutoğlu are officials within the same US project and that their practice is being laid down with it. He stressed that Turkey’s policies could only change after the AKP government is overthrown and a National Government is being formed. 

Continued interest of Middle East press

Only recently, the State Television of Syria had made an interview with the former Vice-Chairman of the Workers’ Party (Turkey), Mehmet Bedri Gültekin on a possible economic crisis in Turkey. Besides of Egyptian and Lebanese media organizations, Iranian and Syrian media as further institutions from the Middle East continue showing interest in Workers’ Party positions.
